Hear the Voices from morocco
Women In Action
We girls together build a better world for girls.
Amazigh Girls Are Valuable And Excellent.
Amazigh Girl Matters is a non-profit organization founded by the end of 2019. It is the first NGO which is run almost exclusively by Amazigh girls from different regions across Morocco, especially from the rural areas of Souss Massa and Guelmim oued noun (Ifran Anti Atlas, Imjad, Tafraout,Aflla Ighir and Lakhssass). However, it is open for new members to join and participate in building this noble civil society action. Among other objectives, it aims specifically at vindicating Amazigh girl’s rights. Each of the founders of this association has her own distinguished story, with a different journey of sacrifices and challenges. Yet the common goal among all of them now is setting up a solid background for empowering the Amazigh girl and her potentials to gain a recognition of her status as a citizen of value. Also, the association states among other objectives a strategy to subvert the stereotypes conceived of the rural Amazigh girl and enable her to claim her basic rights and express fully and freely her thoughts and opinions. This engagement and conscience appeal towards the situation of the rural Amazigh girl pushes us to start collaboratively this social network and expand it to include issues of the Moroccan women in general. In other words, our main objective is to improve the situation of the Amazigh girl particularly and women generally, through sessions of awareness-raising and training actions in several domains (socio-economic and educational, cultural …) in addition to inciting and encouraging the creation of income-generating activities.
جمعية شؤون الفتاة الامازيغية هي أول منظمة غير ربحية أسستها وتديرها تقريبا الفتيات الأمازيغ من مناطق مختلفة في جميع أنحاء المغرب لاستهداف الدفاع عن حقوق الفتاة الأمازيغية. كما هو الحال في العديد من مجموعات السكان الأصليين،
حيت واجهت الفتاة الامازيغية عدم المساواة داخل بلادها .و في السياق المعاصر ، تجلى التفاوت الأمازيغي في ارتفاع معدلات الأمية وعدم الاستقرار الاقتصادي والعوائق التي تحول دون الرعاية الصحية والخدمات القانونية وتشويه اللغة وزيادة التعرض للعنف ؛ و مزيد من التهميش بسبب التمييز بين الجنسين. وقد أدت هذه الجوانب إلى حرمان الفتاة الامازيغية من حقوق الحياة السياسية واستراتيجيات التنمية المستدامة ، حيث كانت الفتاة الامازيغية بالتأكيد أقل توجهاً ولم تستطيع التحدث أو التعبير عن احتياجاتها وحقوقها.
We organize inclusive events for Women & Girls
18 October, 2023
Since 10 years ago, we had our first meeting with the little child called Amina. She was not yet six years old. She caught our attention with her liveliness and energy , but we noticed that she walked on her knees……
31, JUly, 2024
Following the success of our first initiative in 2023, we are now supporting Amazigh girls in the rural Sous-Massa region. This project focuses on strengthening local cooperatives by enhancing their digital capacity in understanding and advocating for their economic rights.